The basis for the following information comes from the GOV.UK website and Dover District Council website, but it is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure the information is correct at the time of the hire, and that the correct licences are in place if required.
Alkham Village Hall hold a Premises Licence but it DOES NOT include the sale of Alcohol.
You don’t need a licence to provide alcohol at a private event as long as it is not being sold.
You normally don’t need a licence to offer bottles (or other containers) of alcohol as prizes in raffles and tombolas provided the following conditions are met:
- the raffle must be promoted as an incidental event (i.e. it is not the main event) within an ‘exempt entertainment’ – this is defined as a bazaar, sale of work, fête, dinner, dance, sporting or athletic event, or other entertainment of a similar character
- after expenses are deducted, none of the money raised by the ‘entertainment’ is used for private gain
- the alcohol is in a sealed container, such as an unopened bottle
- there are no prizes that are just money
- tickets are only sold during the event, not in advance
- the raffle/lottery is not the main inducement to attend
You must not sell tickets that can then be exchanged for an alcoholic drink, or to ask for a donation in return for alcohol.
If alcohol is being served but NOT sold, it is the responsibility of the accompanying adults to ensure that any alcohol consumed by those under 18 years of age, takes place in a responsible manner. If the event is registered under Alkham Village Hall premises licence, then such responsibility can be exercised by the nominated Duty Manager/Responsible Person. Responsibility DOES NOT rest with the Alkham Village Hall Committee.
If none of the above apply and you want to:
- have a bar where alcohol is sold
- sell alcohol in another way
- You can apply for a personal licence or a Temporary Event Notice (visit Dover District Council TENS Application) However, if arranging an ‘outside bar’ to operate your event, the expectation is that they would already hold a suitable licence for the event, or apply for one themselves for your event.
If alcohol is being sold it is the responsibility of the licensee to ensure that alcohol is not sold to anyone under the age of 18 years of age. It is NOT the responsibility of the Alkham Village Hall Committee to ensure alcohol is not sold to those under 18, even if the event is also registered under the Hall’s premises licence.
Registration under Alkham Village Hall premises licence does not replace or remove the need for the correct licence to sell alcohol at a public event.
If your event comes under the control of the Premises Licence you will need to:
- Identify a Duty Manager/Responsible Person for each performance or event
- Complete a form giving us details of the Duty Manager/Responsible Person for your event and confirm that they will accept the duties involved. This must be returned before the event and be acceptable to the Licensees. The necessary form is available for download, click on the button below.
- Ensure that the Duty Manager/Responsible person reads the information provided, acquaints him/herself with the Hall layout, fire extinguisher positions, fire exits and escape routes, carries out the necessary checks and fills in and signs the checklist for each event. The checklist is available for download, click on the appropriate button below
- Return the completed checklist(s) as soon after your event(s) as possible to the Hall Team:
- In most cases the supplier of an external bar will hold a licence which will cover the above. If this is the case please ask the provider to complete the responsible persons form below and return to this link prior to the event